The doubly diluted genetic diversity has allowed bad mutations to build up in the European population, something that the more genetically varied African population has had more success in weeding out. Africa of today is still recovering from the depradations of Christopher Colombus, Francis Drakes, Henry Morgans, and Elizabeth I, the bitch of England. . It is not an invention of pale pink west-chinese and tochurian troglodyte mummies like you. It is established by setting out clones (as grafts or cuttings) or seedling progeny of trees selected for desired characteristics. I showed you the face of the first European African reconstructed by so-called white scientist.. You must be suffering from macular degeneration! IN SAYING ALL THIS EUROPEANS HAVE INVENTED DESTRUCTION AND THEY CONTINUE TO DO RESEARCH FOR CURES TO DISEASE WHICH ALREADY HAVE NATURAL CURES FROM NATURE AND WELL DOCUMENTED BY THE ANCIENT AFRKANS. If anything, it reinforces how hard our ancestors worked to give us the things we take for granted today like having a safe shelter, living in a mostly safe country, rule of law, and all the amazing science and discoveries that have enriched our understanding of ourselves and the universe. Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. WebSome have interpreted genetic studies of traits and populations as evidence to justify social inequalities associated with race, [5] despite the fact that patterns of human variation have been shown to be mostly clinal, with human genetic code being approximately 99.9% identical between individuals, and with no clear boundaries between groups. I gave you a citation for that already. I find it touching that you place so much trust in a discredited study of white scientists, but you must remember that study has been deeply criticised as useing uneven numbers of black white study subjects and the study was about genetic predisposition to conjenital illness , not inteligence where as we all know Whites tend on average to do better in IQ tests. Felton Mitchell says: The data showed that evolution had continued in recent millennia. The country that has nothing has everything and the country that has everything has nothing. He found ways to suggest that in his papers. Now if Dr. Bruce Lahn is studying the brains of chimps, who do you think that he is researching? Cuneiform again from Africa (Yes, which is the middle east, which is still a part of Africa, whether they want to admit it or not). I think youre confusing Caucasians with Jews, because it has been Jews which have caused all the wars, genocides, depressions, and recessions around the world extending clear back to the American Revolution. No one here is god and has the right to judge anyone. Published February 22nd 2008 Use of materials is possible only with the written permission of the owner and with a direct active link to WebIts possible that you may be genetically inferior, and its possible that you carry good genes. Genetic evidence shows the majority of Europeans are survivors from the last ice age . Webgenetically meaning: 1. in a way that relates to genes (= units of DNA received by an animal or plant from its parents. By 2010, 80% of Hawaiian papaya plants were genetically modified. You seem to think that only caucasians once lived in caves, of course all ancient people lived in caves at least if the topograghy allowed for it. I advise every Black person to read this translation of Aethiogyptian wisdom. Jahdey roars: Smythen continues to whine: It began as a degenerate form of gutter French which was need to communicate with the Normans French ruling class who were the masters of the Anglo-Saxon slaves and serfs. Stinking liar! Actually i,m white not pink ..woof woof woof. In truth if it wasnt for white countries subsidising africa they would have become extinct along time ago. NAME ONE GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF SPLITTING THE ATOM THAT BENEFITTED THE ENTIRE EARTH IN GOODNESS. Archeologists working in this field have repeatedly denoted the racial and morphological similarities between the early settlers of Europe and those of the African continent. THE EGYPTIANS(AFRIKANS) CREATED AND WERE THE FIRST TO WEAVE TEXTILES .PURE LINEN FROM FLAX SEEDS. While ostensibly about improving If black are superior then why did you all have your head in your ass while the west progressed through the ages? Based upon my reading of the NY Times article, which apparently put a PC spin on things, I concluded that Dr. Lahns research indicated that there are genetic differences between the races which affect brain function. Neolithic graves in Europe and Africa highlight the African origin of the Grimaldi and hence Africas claim to Europe. Smythen cries: Only the fittest of the fittest will survive, in the end. Another seeker? For example, Native Americans show even less genetic diversity than Europeans, having descended from a few thousand people who entered North America about 10,000 years ago. Due to their appearance, Tacitus hinted that they may have crossed over from Spain at an earlier date. Illogical reasoning leads to racist chicanery. <<< This is the mindset you should have in If a gene is beneficial, the animal will survive longer and mate more. It will blow your mind how far advanced Africans were before their fall., See Azeri blond beauty queen:,,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg, See Uzbek President and his cousin W.Bush: If youre ashamed Genetic findings prove that the majority of Europeans have paleolithic orgins and are very homogenic. If were showing that genes have an overwhelming influence on who gets put onto the life-course persistent pathway, then that would suggest we need to know Dont shoot the messenger cause you no more like the messages that the elites of your people have to deliver to you simple-minded fools who have been conned for so long by a false and wicked racist philosophy of so-called white supremacy. Further more the racist language in this thread was started by you ,.its there for anybody to see, its obvious that you hate Europeans from your racist derogatory language, personally, i think you and your kind are a joke and are not really worth hating. Those men and women were horrid, sub-human alien pink pirates, the truth of which the entire globe can testify with me. , . EUROPEANS HAVE ALWAYS TRIED TO SHOWED SUPERIORITY, A TRUE SUPERIOR PEOPLE WOULD NOT OPPRESS ANOTHER TO LOOK GOOD, OR DISTORT INFORMATION IN HISTORY, CREATE DISEASE TO WIPE OUT ANOTHER, STEAL THEIR LAND, SODOMIZE THEIR CHILDREN, DEHUMANIZE THEM. Go argue with them but argue not with Jahdey. Cant see what you whites have done to the world, where ever you go you disrupt the naturla balance of the earth. Dr. Lahns graduate students began decoding DNA from 1,184 people belonging to 59 groups from around the world, including Bedouins, Pima Indians and French-speaking Basques. You are nothing special. ask your women, they know. Vice is nothing to boast about and if anything indicates a sever deficiency. Actually Africans in Africa are highly intelligent. In his Journey to the Hebrides, September 1, 1773, Boswell wrote of one clan, the McCraes, some were as black and wild in their appearance as any American savages, whatsoever. Martin who had visited these Western Islands eighty years before Boswell said of the people of Jura, black of complexion , of Islay, generally black. Also Mr. Smythe, you must remember that the theme of the thread which addresses the relative genetic strengths of Africans and Europeans was written by European scientists who are waaay more educated than your thin pink stinky arse will ever get. That is a reconstruction from a few fragments found in a cave in Romania, it is said to be 40 thousand years old. canibalism is one of africas great traditions , please dont take your low african cultural psychological traits and project it on to more advanced Europeans, if you want a serious debate based on evidence great, but otherwise shut up. We have results, you have excuses. WHAT A EVIL SYSTEM THEY INVENTED. . I have several Muslim colleagues who have complained about his beliefs and so as the Store Manager disciplines him he starts an inquisition. Three months ago I wrote about Dr. Bruce Lans research into brain genes and evolution. But that doesnt mean we dont have large brains, that is why we always prospered, because were geniuses. You are pink in colour, go look at yourself in the mirror and tell me whether you see white or pink complexion. 58. Go through the website and learn more. Welcome to Rasta Livewire John Humewe shock and burn! . Before the European invasion, there were series of Civilizations within Africa. WebSo the phrase Genetic inferiority is a mistake in logic, language and science. - , - . Google up Uzbekistanis and Azeris so you can view your cousins from the Steppes and recall once more the cold and unmerciful land of your nativity. Azerbaijan? THERE WAS NO NEED TO SPLIT IT AND THEY KNEW OF THE DANGERS TO THE EARTH AND MANKIND SINCE THEY LIVE IN HARMONY WITH THE EARTH AND RESPECT NATURE. Blacks destroy everything that is given to them, and when they piss all over what they have, they want to get you wet, and thats the truth. BRAINS. John Hume wants to know why blah balh is progressive and progressed through the ages blah blah blah. Uzbekistan? Africans gave the alphabet to Europe. .. give your evidence of white people arriving in Europe 400ad. -1 . 4.Give your evidence that the people who built stone henge were Negroid immigrants from Africa, which they must have been if Europeans didnt arrive in Europe until thousands of years later , and remember many human remains have been found in that place dating from the time of its building and use, and guess what they are all caucasion judging by their DNA and skull morphology. Now many people, possibly even you, will hate me for saying this next thing. If you really study genetics, youll realize that the question is nonsensical. Click on the link below for the answer to your foolishness. Shame on you pink fool, it shows you did not go to school. It aint white skin. Also, you need to provide citations for your tomfoolery if ever there was such a thing. You lies and whines are inadequate authorities. The first Africans were neither Negroid or Caucasian, these are later developments. None was ever invented by your tribes. How? If YOU truly know for sure that youre genes are inferior, then the best thing you can do is just not reproduce. you cannot reconstruct somebodies complexion from a few old bone fragments. Again this shows you as one stupid unintelligent pink bwoy full of hubris and raw ignorance. Your women are the trash of the world. Lahn stands by his work but says that because of the controversy he is moving into other projects.. What we may be seeing is a population genetic echo of the founding of Europe, said Bustamante. Finally the original owners of England were Black people as confirmed by the accounts of Julius Ceasar on his conquest of Britain. Although humans and chimpanzees share about 96% of their DNA, human brains are about four times larger. He said the internet. Is there another human language like that?., Henri the fifth whines: If africans are so much better, why did they suddenly stop advancing? Dr. Lahns group zeroed in on the role of two genes, called ASPM and microcephalin, that are known to have a role in brain size. Now many people, possibly even you, will hate me for saying this next thing. Pleasethe only thing Africa gave the world was resources. 1. . To be susceptible to diseases To carry genetic faults. You know what, that could be anyone of us Guess that makes us all genetically inferior WebGenetically inferior to whom? That suggested brain evolution might have occurred in tandem with important cultural changes. NOBODY WAS PUT ON THE MOON LOOK AT THE TROUBLE WE HAVE ON EARTH AND YOU ARE PREOCCUPIED WITH OUTERSPACE, ISNT THAT EVIL? chance of most Africans gaining access to the internet. Your time will come when you shall all pay for your crimes against humanity. Stop hating on Africans! Most of those sub-saharan African countries would be rich or well off if they were ran correctly. People in our modern data age can find anything to their fancy. The French, British, Germans, Belgians and Portugese did not colonize poor, barren places. Because Europeans kidnapped Africans from their realm and forced them to be something they are not which is European so much of their overall knowledge was lost. invented tele communications. , . Europeans are thieves who steal and carbon copy everything!!! I have a friend here from Iceland, and have heard stories from him about the place. Ive experience several stages after first using the internet. Blacks genetically less intelligent than whites according to Wall Street Journal. more than that of Belgium. Beats me, but they do! Prove what you said about the English language being invented when infact it is the direct descendant of Anglo-Saxon, a low western Germanic language , with it is true many Norman french loan words., Jahdey roars: You are inadequate and incomplete because you have NOTHING, Europe is a continent of nothingness watch it go back to what it was and what it should have been. Why did you abandon it and invade foreign land for survival if you had everything going for your inbreeding ases? than they were at independence in the 1960s. domesticated the horse. It's a hard reality, I have experienced that some people are born with gifts almost right away that's why you see 3 year olds that can speak many l Since we tend to think of European populations as quite large, we did not expect to see a significant difference in the distribution of neutral and deleterious variation between the two populations, said senior co-author Carlos Bustamante, an assistant professor of biological statistics and computational biology at Cornell. Look, whites have conquered and successfully thrived on mountain ranges, frozen tundras, marshland, grassland, deserts and the Mediterranean. The genes will likely I have no idea where you get your information from, but the caucasian European type did not come out of Azerbaijan in 400 AD, are you nuts, what colour do you think the Celts and Germanic tribes were who lived in Europe long before 400 AD? You shouldnt. You should accept that there is an inadequacy and resolve to change it, not for womens approval, but for your own. Dont focus on w